Recipe of Fruit Custard

 Fruit Custard

Fruit Custard is the one of most popular Dessert among the youngsters as well as elders. Fruit Custard is highly nutritious and provides energy to our body.


  • 1 liter Milk
  • 4 tbsp Vanilla flavor Custard Powder
  • 1/2 cup Sugar
  • 1/4 tsp Mixed Fruit Essence
  • Banana
  • Apple
  • Sapota ( Chiku )
  • Kiwi
  • 6 - 7 Fresh Dates
  • 50 gms Cashew Nuts
  • 50 gms Black Grapes
  • 50 gms Green Grapes
  • 1/2 cup Musk Melon slices
  • 1/2 cup Pomegranate seeds


 1. Take 2.5 cups milk in a thick bottomed pan or saucepan and keep it on the stove top. Bring the milk to a gentle simmer.

milk in a saucepan

2. While the milk is warming up, take 3 tablespoons warm or room temperature milk in a small bowl. Add 3 tablespoons custard powder.

Or swap custard powder with 3 tablespoons of cornstarch. Don’t forget to add 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or ½ teaspoon of vanilla essence to this mix.

making a slurry out of milk and custard powder

3. With a whisk, stir very well to make a smooth paste or slurry without any lumps.

completed slurry paste for fruit custard recipe

4. When the milk has come to a gentle heat, add 5 tablespoons sugar or as required. Stir very well so that the sugar dissolves.

sugar being added to warmed milk

5. Keep the flame on a low and then add the custard paste or slurry in parts.

slurry being added to milk mixture by the tablespoon

6. As soon as you add the custard mixture, stir quickly so that lumps are not formed. Repeat with the remaining custard paste, working in batches or drizzling it in a slow stream as you whisk constantly.

stirring vigorously to prevent lumps in custard

7. Keep on stirring often while the custard is cooking, so that lumps are not formed. Cook for about 5 to 6 minutes on a low heat.

scraping the bottom of the pan with a spoon while making custard

8. The mixture will thicken slowly and the raw taste of the cornstarch from the custard powder also goes away.

Pour the custard in a bowl and cover the bowl with a kitchen towel. Let it cool at room temperature. If you plan to serve fruit custard cold, place the bowl covered with a lid in the refrigerator.

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